Case Number
Case Date of Filing
Suspected/Known Time of Incident
Local Time and Date: around 01:00hrs 09/10/2023
GMT/Zulu Time and Date: 23:00hrs 08/10/2023
Case Researcher(s)
Charlotte Daisy Brunt
Two unidentified attackers killed two Chinese nationals and two members of their security in Misisi, Fizi Territory, South Kivu Province, DRC at around 01:00 on the 9/10/23, stealing cash, mobile phones and “other items”. It is not stated or suggested anywhere, where the attack took place. Reports suggest this is a targeted attack on a Chinese owned mining site and part of a string of attacks on Chinese and foreign facilities including ones on 03/09/23 and 01/11/23. Gold mining in Misisi has been identified as part of a polluted supply chain which includes child labour, accidents, environmental degradation and illegal barriers by the International Peace Information Services (IPIS).
Case Location
Unspecified location for attack, only detail given is that it took place in Misisi which is a mining town in Fizi Territory DRC.
Latitude/Longitude (WGS84):
4.770944°S , 28.686861°E
Misisi , Fizi Territory , South Kivu Province, DRC
Individual Incident Locations:
Potential location 1
4.770944°S , 28.686861°E
Mining village of Misisi
Case Location Evidence Below:
Google Earth Pro image of the town of Misisi.

Image of the layout of the town of Misisi without treecover from the IPIS interactive map of mining activity. Yellow dots represent gold mining activity.

Locations of a series of attacks in 2023 on Chinese mining facilities and personnel
Total Suspected/Known Number of Casualties:
Fatalities in Incident:
Fatalities in Grave:
Further Casualty Information:
Age Range: not given, likely working age
Genders: not given, likely Male
Ethnicity/ies: 2 Chinese nationals, two others unknown
Casualty Evidence Below:

Suspected or Known Aggressors
Suspected/Known Quantity of Participants:
Aggressor Evidence Below: